In actual fact it is likely that no-one is following me, but I'm unable to figure out if I have zero followers or not as I can't seem to find any links to the list of my followers.

Where does the list appear if I have any?

2 Answers 2


You need to go to your dashboard and visit the Followers page. That will show other users that are following your blog.

From the Tumblr help page

Following and Followers

The Following page shows blogs that you are following. Posts from these blogs will appear in real-time on your Dashboard.

The Followers page shows other users that are following your blog.

You can follow any Tumblr blog you visit by clicking the Follow icon in the top right corner of the page. Or, you can enter it manually on your Following page.

  • Great - thanks. I have 0 followers. Interesting that this is completely hidden when this is the case.
    – thesaundi
    May 16, 2011 at 9:10
  • 3
    @thesaundi You will receive an email when your follower count changes. Also the count will appear on the right side between posts and drafts.
    – phwd
    May 16, 2011 at 12:09

You can track who follows and unfollows you with TumQuit. Automatically follow or unfollow those who do the same to you and receive daily or weekly email alters.

Disclaimer: Affiliated to TurnQuit

  • 2
    Please state your affiliation with the service, otherwise the answer will be considered spam. Thanks!
    – Alex
    Jan 26, 2012 at 15:33
  • It's just a website that answers the question.
    – TumQuit
    Jan 27, 2012 at 11:18
  • 3
    However, you must disclose your affiliation in your answers. See this FAQ question.
    – Alex
    Jan 27, 2012 at 11:34

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