I think I have some bugs to report when I use it but I wonder where to report those bugs. Where should I report a Google Plus bug?


3 Answers 3


Update (19/09/2012):

This procedure has changed. To send feedback regarding Google+ follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the cog wheel button in the upper-right part of the page
  2. Click on Send feedback
    enter image description here
  3. Follow the steps in the window that will appear


  1. Go to you Google+ account.
  2. In the bottom right corner you have a Send Feedback button.enter image description here
  3. Click it
  4. A form will open allowing you to submit a bug. enter image description here

To report an issue, go to Google+ and click “Send feedback” at the bottom of the page.

From here: http://www.google.com/intl/en/+/learnmore/forum/


From Google+ Discuss:

To report an issue, go to Google+ and click “Send feedback” at the bottom of the page.


According to the Google+ Help Forum if you want to report an issue you need to use the "Send Feedback" at the bottom of the page.

Find answers to your Google+ questions, and build karma by sharing your knowledge in our Google+ Discuss community. To report an issue, go to Google+ and click “Send feedback” at the bottom of the page. Check out our posting guidelines before you post. And remember, the fastest way to seek help is by searching our help center. Non-English user? You can post in our International category in your own language.

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