I have used HipChat for over a year, but with few demands on it. Lately, my team has started to use the HipChatAPI to publish changes from GitHub to a new chat room. I like this, but would like to not be notified (flashing taskbar, pop-ups, etc.) when this particular room updates. I would still like to see standard notifications on the other rooms.

I scoured both the AIR client and the WebApp options, but didn't see this level of notification granularity. I only found options to disable taskbar/sound/pop-up notifications for ALL rooms.

Does anyone know how to suppress notifications for a particular room?


2 Answers 2


When you make the API call, there is a notify option that triggers the notification, which is off by default, so it looks like someone turned it on intentionally.



Being on the room, click on Room notification (alarm icon in the top-right corner) where you can customize notification for the channel. From there select the Quiet mode.

HipChat - Room notifications

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