Questions tagged [rss]

Full or summarised text format published by a website that allows users to subscribe or follow a website without necessarily having to revisit the site to see the updated content.

19 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How do I get an RSS feed for a YouTube search result?

I know how to get RSS feeds for YouTube channels. I am trying to get an RSS feed for this search result: Is it possible?
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How long is my public activity stored?

According to the answers to this question, there is no way to manually delete entries from one's GitHub activity feed. Are activity entries ever automatically deleted? Specifically, is there a limit ...
Sam Estep's user avatar
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Parameters in FeedBurner feeds

I've got an RSS feed for a site which I pass through FeedBurner. I now want to add a feed for search results, which would mean potentially infinite feed URLs:, http://site....
harriyott's user avatar
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How can I add Imgur category to Feedly or Slack RSS?

I'm trying to fetch the latest images/GIFs from an Imgur category Science_and_Tech but no luck thus far. The endpoint I'm trying is: but when I ...
Halnex's user avatar
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Receive weekly email digest from feedly?

Is it really necessary to have a paid subscription and then take the step of using an IFTTT recipe in order to get your feeds into your inbox? It seems pretty core to be able to receive a weekly ...
Drewdavid's user avatar
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In The Old Reader, how do I add a feed to multiple folders?

I just migrated my RSS feeds from Google Reader to The Old Reader. But after adding a new feed in The Old Reader, how do I give it multiple tags? Tags are visualized as folders, so another way to ...
qazwsx's user avatar
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Are Reddit personalized RSS feeds reliable?

I just subscribed to a personalized feed of all my Reddit subscriptions yesterday. It doesn't seem to be very reliable though. Perhaps it's only updated once every X hours? Several times, I found ...
ripper234's user avatar
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How do I merge my RSS feeds in "The Old Reader"?

I am using "The Old Reader" to keep track of my responses on Stack Exchange. How can I merge this with another link to also show "votes" or "featured", etc. in the same subscription without having to ...
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Why isn't feedly updating content from my RSS feed?

So for some strange reason, the feedly feed for hasn't updated for 30 days, and I'm not sure why. The regular rss feed URL is still being updated at regular ...
InquilineKea's user avatar
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How to archive all saved data contained in a RSS feed on feedly?

So I know I could export all the data contained in the RSS feeds on Google Reader once it shut down. I'm just wondering - is it possible to do the same for feedly? If so, how?
InquilineKea's user avatar
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Tumblr tag RSS feed only shows one item / post

My tumblr tag specific RSS feed only shows the latest post / item : It doesn't show all items tagged with that tag (...
Thomas Grist's user avatar
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How to get an RSS feed of your activity on Khan Academy?

In Khan Academy, when you view your profile, you're able to see all of your recent activities: Is there a way to get this information in an RSS feed to incorporate in a personal blog, or other ...
rishimaharaj's user avatar
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What URL can I use to read older entries on a FeedBurner feed?

I am writing a small app that reads an RSS feed from - There is one entry posted every day. I can see a number of entries if I read the feed using ...
Dizzley's user avatar
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Is there a way to get a RSS feed for an Instagram user/account for free?

My research so far I've googled and found several articles which describe outdated services that don't work anymore like And then there are some paid services like these: https://...
Lernkurve's user avatar
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Creating, deploying and updating RSS and Atom feeds

I've never actually maintained an RSS or Atom feed before and I just wanted to confirm that I understand their overall "architecture". My understanding is that RSS and Atom feeds work identically, ...
hotmeatballsoup's user avatar
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How to make Gmail atom feed show all emails in a conversation, or the last email in a conversation

I'm trying to use the Gmail Inbox Feed. The URL to the Gmail feed is My problem is that it doesn't seem like it shows new emails if they are grouped into an ...
Cave Johnson's user avatar
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RSS feed tailored for a newly subscribed user

If I want to support a RSS feed that will allow users to have articles from the very beginning of time and gets updates at a specified interval, is there already a script / program that will let me do ...
Forethinker's user avatar
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Is it possible to allow a Facebook account to get a RSS feed of protected LiveJournal entries?

I have a normal LiveJournal account and take full advantage of public, friends-only, and private posts. Another person who we'll call X has a Facebook account. I know that LJ allows Facebook ...
Zian Choy's user avatar
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Show only unique URLs in feed

Is it somehow possible to show only unique links in a page (or RSS feed)? For example many tags have the same link mentioned many times: My ...
Erik's user avatar
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