Questions tagged [trello-organization]

For questions about Trello's project management functionality.

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5 votes
1 answer

Members vs. Organizations

I have a board with members who should be able to add and change cards on the board. I have an organization of business partners whom I'd like to be able to see, but not change the contents of the ...
2 votes
0 answers

Orphaned organization in Trello how to gain ownership [closed]

When first signing up to Trello I created an organization, however that organization does not appear in my profile or on the Boards page of my account. If I go to the organization's profile page, I ...
8 votes
2 answers

Internet Bookmarks

In Firefox I have on the order of 10^3 bookmarks. I need a tool which provides the following features: Grouping (tagging / categorization - either is acceptable) Browser (prefer Firefox) integration (...
3 votes
1 answer

Gmail label scaling limitations?

Are there any issues with creating a lot of labels in Gmail? Things such as: Limit to the number of labels that can be created? UI concerns? Performance issues? Conflicts with certain Labs features ...
4 votes
1 answer

Should I use a Twitter account? Or a Twitter HashTag for my local organization?

I'm just curious to know what is better for establishing an organizations presence on twitter. I'm a new user to twitter. I see it like this Twitter HashTag: More social, unofficial, shows the buzz ...
1 vote
1 answer

Mendeley for e-books [closed]

I have been using Mendeley for my research paper library for some time and I absolutely love the way it takes care fo organizing my library. Is there such a Web/Desktop app to organize my ebook ...