6 votes

Upload images to Google Photos in high (not original) quality from the web

In Settings, you can set whether web uploads are "High Quality" or "Original".
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Does using a photo from Google Photos in a Google Doc cause it to be counted twice against the storage allocation?

Nowadays, May 8th, 2021, no, but starting on June 1, 2021, yes, as Google Docs will count against Google Accounts storage quota. NOTES: Currently when a image is inserted to a document it creates a ...
Rubén - Volunteer Moderator -'s user avatar
1 vote

Maintain URLs of Subfolders and Files on Google Drive for Image Hosting

At this time it's not possible to use Google Drive as file hosting that maintains a folder structure. This was a supported feature but it was retired few years ago. Related How to host a privately ...
Rubén - Volunteer Moderator -'s user avatar
1 vote

Can Google Spreadsheets cache images?

First, you will not be get banned for using a built-in function like IMAGE(url) as the request is made from Google Servers and it's made anonymously. Anyway, if you want to "freeze" the images on your ...
Rubén - Volunteer Moderator -'s user avatar

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