I would like to copy lastRows from 'Source1' sheet to 'Destination1' sheet. Triggers are on every change form 'Source1'.
The code below can help me to do the job.
function copyLastRow() {
var target = SpreadsheetApp.openById('xxxxx-keyfile').getSheetByName('Destination1'); // copy data into this file & sheet.
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Source1'); // name of source sheet.
var lastrow = sheet.getLastRow();
var sourceData = sheet.getRange(lastrow, 1,1, 37).getValues();
I also set up another function as below. This function is for automatically clearing data from 'source 1' on specify time (e.g: everyday at 1 am).
function clearRange() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Source1');
When function clearRange() run at 1 am on everyday, data on 'source1' with range A2:F will be clear. At that moment, the range 'A1:F1' will be as the LastRow and it will be copied to 'Destination1' as the copyLastRow() function is still running.
What I would do is the copyLastRow() function don't copy the range A1:F1 as the LastRow.
I'm quite new in not only GAS but also JS...so I would appreciate if anyone could understand and help me to solve my problem.
The mentioned code above was copied from this post.