I have a Google spreadsheet that lists ratings (1-10) that various participants gave for various topics:
Person Topic A Topic B ------------------------ Claire 4 5 Diane 6 8 Janet 3 1 Kris 6 3 Susan 8 2 Julie 2 10 LeAnne 3 4
I want to display this data in a bar chart for each topic that breaks down the distribution of those ratings in order from 1-10 (that is, it indicates how many people rated 1
, how many rated 2
, how many rated 3
, and so on). Here's an example of what I want to achieve:
However, what I get in Google Sheets is:
which shows the ratings (rows) in order of occurrence in the spreadsheet, not numerical order. Also, if there are no ratings of a certain value like 1
, 5
, 7
, 9
, and 10
for Topic A, I want to have a row for each of those values that has no bar. So this is not very useful.
I looked in the "Chart Editor" > customization options and tried some things, but I couldn't figure out how to get the order of rows to be numerical and also have rows for the numbers that no one used as a rating. The data in the spreadsheet is set as whole numbers (not text).