Wilson. Here is another approach (assuming the date is in A1:C):
=ArrayFormula(IFERROR(VLOOKUP(UNIQUE(A:A),QUERY(A:C,"Select * Order By B Desc",1),{1, 2, 3},FALSE)))
Just be sure to format the resulting date column as dates, since by default is will use the raw number format of the data (i.e., the number of days since December 30, 1899, which will be numbers in the mid-40,000 range).
Essentially, we form a virtual range of just the UNIQUE donors (as well as the header) with UNIQUE(A:A). (This will also include one blank, since that would be unique in the column one time.)
We VLOOKUP only those values in another virtual range: a QUERY of the A:C data upside-down by date (i.e., with the most recent dates always on top). By looking up only unique donors and the header from A in this upside-down range, the first match found will always be their most recent donation.
We return columns 1, 2 and 3 from this upside-down QUERY range (i.e., the three points of data, and the headers).
FALSE tells Google Sheets that the virtual range is not in order by the key column (Donor) and instructs it therefore to look for exact matches only.
The IFERROR wrapping on the VLOOKUP prevents the formula from trying to return a result for that UNIQUE blank I mentioned.