I am having a slight problem with Google Groups - this being sending an email to an external recipient.
Situation is as below:
- an external party (call it EXT) sends email to provided Google group email address;
- as Google group is set with permission to publish = Internet, an email from EXT is converted to a new topic which appears on Google Groups board;
- when doing a reply to EXT topic as a Google group member, an email is being posted to all other group members, which is correct;
- however EXT is not sent an email with reply and does not get any message.
I am keen to know if getting replies by EXT is possible?
Am I missing something obvious? Or is there some permission which needs to be set?
Thanks a lot for responding Ruben,
So to re-cap:
if any member of a google group posts (replies) to a new topic a reply is only sent internally to its group members; EXT will not receive an update;
if a group member clicks (reply privately to an author) - EXT will receive a reply.
There are two downsides I see here:
- private reply is not visible in group members topic breakdown - so google group members (incl. person who sent reply privately) don't see it:
- private response is always sent (as a user) instead of (on behalf of) group name, which will quickly lead to confusion;
Moreover, if EXT replies to a reply - it gets created as a new topic instead of arranging into an existing topic and sent only to memebr of a group instead to a group email.
My aim is to create a two-way communication group between Google Group members and external party (not a google domain) and I have a feeling I am missing something obvious to make it work right or Google Groups is not designed as a "ticket" platform.
Your further help is much appreciated, unfortunately Google's Wikis does not answer my questions :)