Hope my blabbering will make sense to someone.

I'm trying to create a spreadsheet in Google Sheets to record profits and losses. I've used the =ABS(A1-A2) formula to get the difference between two cell values, but I've noticed that it always returns a positive number.

For Example,
7.5 - 10 = -2.5   but   ABS(7.5 - 10) = 2.5
10 - 7.5 = 2.5   and   ABS(10 - 2.5) = 2.5

Does anyone know a formula or a way for Google Sheets to always return a difference between 2 numbers as a negative number, regardless of which is larger?

For example where:

difference(7.5, 10) = -2.5

# and 

difference(10, 7.5) = -2.5
  • 2
    Then why do you use ABS()?
    – Oleg_S
    Commented Mar 17, 2021 at 11:24
  • 2
    To add to @Oleg_S point - ABS is a function which takes the ABSolute value of a number, throwing away the sign. You probably just need =A1-A2 with no functions at all.
    – AdamV
    Commented Mar 17, 2021 at 12:27

4 Answers 4


You said ABS(A1-A2)

and A2=7.50

To find the difference, just do A1-A2

  • Yes I am aware of that, that was not my question. My question is: How do I get the the difference between the two numbers to show as "-$2.50" instead of just "$2.50". ABS seems to only find the difference, but it does not record whether the difference is positive or negative. Commented Mar 18, 2021 at 8:55
  • 1
    @KyleNovakovic ABS() returns absolute value, that's why you get $2.50 instead of -$2.50. ABS(7.50-10) = ABS(-2.5) = 2.5. You need to simple subtraction A1 - A2
    – Oleg_S
    Commented Mar 18, 2021 at 9:23
  • @Oleg_S Thanks Oleg, but is there no formula to recognise whether is positive or negative automatically? I'm pretty sure Excel has a formula which does that. Does Google Sheets not having anything similar? Commented Mar 18, 2021 at 9:58

Difference as a negative

There are many approaches that can be used to always return the difference between two numbers as a negative number. The most obvious is a variation on your current approach with ABS since that wouldn't require any conditional logic. You could also use a conditional IF function which is longer and unnecessary in this case.

ABS Function
As you pointed out, ABS always returns a positive number, therefore you can simply convert the number returned by the ABS function to a negative value. In that manner, you will always return a negative value without ever needing to know anything about the calculation inside. This is both the simplest and shortest approach.

# Examples
| = -ABS(7.5-10)  | = -ABS(10-7.5)  | = -ABS(10-10)  |
| = -ABS(-2.5)    | = -ABS(2.5)     | = -ABS(0)      |
| = -2.5          | = -2.5          | = 0            |

IF Function
The IF function allows one to conditionally test the numbers and perform subtraction in the preferred order to favor a negative difference.
Syntax: IF(logical_expression, value_if_true, value_if_false)

logical_expression:  is num1 smaller than num2
value_if_true:            subtract num2 from num1
value_if_false:           subtract num1 from num2

=IF(num1<num2, num1-num2, num2-num1)
# Examples
| logicalTest | ifTrue | ifFalse |
| = IF(7.5<10,  7.5-10,  10-7.5) |
| = 7.5-10                       | # True
| = -2.5                         |
| logicalTest | ifTrue | ifFalse |
| = IF(10<7.5,  10-7.5,  7.5-10) |
| = 7.5-10                       | # False
| = -2.5                         |
| logicalTest | ifTrue | ifFalse |
| = IF(10<10,   10-10,   10-10)  |
| = 10-10                        | # False
| = 0                            |

Use an IF statement.

Example: =IF($E$8>E14,$E$8-E14,(E14-$E$8)*(-1))

Cell $E$8 is the current stock price.
Cell E14 is my invested capital

IF the current stock price is higher then my invested capital then $E$8-E14.
IF the current stock price is lower then my invested capital then (E14-$E$8)*(-1).

I had to multiply by (-1) to get the negative to show.


This worked for me: =IFS(A1>A2,MINUS(A2,A1),A1<A2,ABS(MINUS(A1,A2)),A1=A2, "0")


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