I want all the emails I send to be scheduled to be sent 5 minutes later, to safe guard from blunders (I know I can undo sending for 30 seconds, I want more time). In Outlook I did it using rules that add a delay, I couldn't find a way to do it in Gmail. I'm in a Linux environment.


1 Answer 1


In the browser, there is something called scheduled send. For setting this as the default behavior, I'm not sure if that's possible.

enter image description here

After selecting Schedule Send (and having a recipient inputted), the following prompt will show up allowing you to choose when to send the email.

enter image description here

You can choose the defaults or set your own by choosing Pick Time and Date. Pressing Pick Time and Date will show the following prompt.

enter image description here

Note: It appears that you cannot set a scheduled mail to be sent in 2 minutes or less, it has to be at least 3 minutes.

You can cancel any scheduled mail by going into this your sidebar and looking for the Scheduled tab.

enter image description here

You can navigate to one of your scheduled emails then press the Cancel Send Button. enter image description here


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