Issues with Outlook HTML Rendering and Gmail
I consider myself an email power user and for what seems forever my emails sent from Gmail have looked terrible in Outlook. I have tried every tweak, font change, setting, copy paste or other fix in Gmail and the Gmail fonts still look bad in outlook. I really believe I have a universal fix. It is a work arount but if you are in sales or just want to look professional to everyone that uses Gmail or Outlook, then you better do something about it. My business has had a Google Apps account for 5 years and my only answers I have had to this issue is to use Outlook... until now.
How to make Gmail look good in Outlook
Here is the fix to messed up fonts and broken lines in Outlook when sent from Gmail.
Step 1: In Gmail's Settings use the Default text style and remove any signatures
Step 2: Get the Tout App from the Chrome Webstore (you only need the free version)
Step 3: Create a template in Tout
Step 4: You need something in your template to have the right font rendering what you want. I created my signature in a Google Doc, I used Calibri 11 on the example below and I copy and pasted the signature I created in the Google Doc, into Tout’s template. Here is an example below.
O 555-555-5555 | M 801.513.0362
Step 5 explained: This signature is already rendering font’s and HTML that will look good in Gmail. The spaces between Hi and JEAN-LUC make it so I am not hitting enter unnecessarily and I run less risk of breaking the HTML without realizing it. Be sure to name and save your template/signature.
Step 6: Compose an email and select your template.
CAUTION: This will only work as long as you follow a few simple rules
- Don’t copy and paste
- Because you won’t listen to my first rule make sure you always use CTRL+SHIFT+V when you paste in Gmail
- If you do paste, don’t paste anything with paragraphs or with enter spaces or the enter spaces will look good to you at first, however there will be no enter spaces or paragraphs when viewed in Outlook and it will just be a block of text to the Outlook recipient.
If you are transitioning from Outlook and you use the IMAP, keep Outlook open and stay in the sent items folder for the first month. Watch and learn. Soon you will have it down
Why did I spend all this time writing this up? I spent 100 times more of my time trying to fix this over the past 5 years than I did writing this. I hope it is as helpful to you as it was to me.