Is is possible to search and filter by due date? For example, cards due this week, cards due today, overdue cards.

It does not look like it, and I can't see a card on the Trello Development Board requesting such a feature.

As a team leader or project manager it's important to keep abreast of committed work for member allocation and work scheduling.

  • It would be very useful to be able to search for cards without a due date. I haven't found any syntax that lets me do that.
    – hourback
    Commented Apr 27, 2016 at 19:26

3 Answers 3


You may want to use Trello Calendar.

It shows all your cards from all your boards. You also have an ICS feed to integrate it with Google Calendar or others.


See also Trello Powerup Calendar Feature: http://blog.trello.com/introducing-power-ups-calendar-card-aging-and-more/

You can also use Ultimello Chrome Extension https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ultimello-the-features-pa/hahbfgjfimnmogoinnenhheepfcphnmm to sort cards by due date in a list.


This is now possible. From the sidebar of your board, click MenuFilter Cards then choose one of the options:

  • Due in the next day
  • Due in the next week
  • Due in the next month
  • Overdue

This will only filter on the current board, but this seems to be exactly what you asked for.

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