I'm trying out Backblaze B2. In order to use the b2 command line tool, I'm following the quick start directions at Create An Account. This page says:

This page displays the account ID that you'll need to access your account. Make a note of it while you're here.

but I can't see anything resembling an "account ID" on my page. (Yes, I have enabled the "B2 Cloud Storage" and have used the web interface to create buckets and upload files.) The example account page shown on the quick start page also doesn't show anything like an account ID. Where can I find my account ID and application key?


3 Answers 3


Go to your Application Keys (https://secure.backblaze.com/app_keys.htm). Use the keyId:

Application Keys

NOTE: The terminology for the Master Application Key ID was recently changed from being called the Account ID. If you are using an integration where the terminology has not been updated to reflect our change, the Master Application Key ID will work in place of the Account ID. For a non-master app key that has been created, you can use that key's keyID in place of an Account ID.

Source: https://help.backblaze.com/hc/en-us/articles/360022330274-Locating-the-Master-Application-Key-and-Master-Application-Key-ID-Pair

  • 1
    Note that you can create a new App Key (with the button at the bottom of the page as seen on the screenshot) with read/write/read+write permission to all or to a specific bucket. You don't have to use the Master App Key, and frankly you shouldn't.
    – mcdado
    Commented Mar 16, 2021 at 22:29

You'll want to go here: https://secure.backblaze.com/b2_buckets.htm

then you'll see the link to "Show Account ID and Application Key"

  • 5
    This answer is no longer helpful. The page referenced no longer has such a link
    – JannieT
    Commented Jun 8, 2019 at 8:04

These answers are wrong -- you need to add a new key (NOT the master key). It then provides a keyId


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