Does anyone using Outlook web ever use alt-left arrow & alt-right arrow to move a word at a time? What about the same with the shift key down to select a word at a time? Apparently not since shift-alt-right/left arrow is instead the shortcuts for indenting/un-indenting.
About 3 times per email I compose in Outlook web, by muscle memory I try to extend the selection word by word and end up indenting instead. I wonder, how do other people not fall into this, either they:
- never the arrow keys for all navigation & selections, only use the mouse?
- use the arrow keys for navigation, but never shift-arrow keys, rather only the mouse making & extending selections?
- use the arrow keys for navigation & include the shift key for making selections, but just always character by character and never word by word?
- do like I do and indent by accident all the time, just never complain
I'm guessing if shift-alt-arrows weren't co-opted as indenting shortcuts, that key combination would fall to text system which would use it for extending the selection.
Does anyone know how to disable shortcuts for indenting?
I'm using Safari on latest OSX (El Cap) if that matters (so yes, I had to struggle not to call it the "option key").