I have log-events with a timestamp like the following in Google Spreadsheets:
Date Time Event
8-30-17 8,42 Login
8-30-17 12,31 Logout
8-30-17 14,1 Login
8-30-17 18,54 Logout
8-31-17 6,89 Login
8-31-17 14,01 Logout
9-1-17 8,24 Login
9-1-17 12,57 Logout
9-1-17 13,43 Login
9-1-17 18,03 Logout
So essentially this is the date and time when a login/logout occurred. I now would like to calculate the logged in time for each date. Taking the 8-30-17
this would result in a total duration of 3,89 + 4,44 = 8,33
As a second duration I would like to get the total time between the first login and the last logout for a day. So again for the 8-30-17
this would mean a total duration of 10,12
Is it possible to calculate this with Google Spreadsheets or is this too advanced?