I'm using the following formula to get the data of two cells:
But it's not working properly. Take a look at the screenshots:
It should be returning the Traffic + Date, but it's returning a value that I can't recognize.
So far, without joining both cells data, this is what I've achieved and what I need to achieve:
Also I'd like to know if there's a way to merge two cells of another spreadsheet using a formula like this: ='90diasnameone'!B16 + ='90diasnametwo'!C116
(I have no idea on how to do that, that's just an approach)
I already know how to display data in the graphic, so basically I'm just asking how to join two cells data into one cell. Something like: Julia + Maria = Julia and Maria.
EDIT: I managed to get the result of joining both data, but this is how it's appearing on the graphic:
As you can see, the date is appearing below the graphic and the data inside the graphic is messed up.