I have two Google Sheet script functions that both work independently: 1) duplicates a template sheet, populating each duplicate sheet from a separate row of data in a source range; 2) makes a single duplicate of the template sheet and preserves its editing permissions - it's a protected sheet with unprotected ranges (using this answer). I am trying to combine the two so that each copy of the template using the source data has the same permissions as the template sheet. I cannot work out how to nest one function inside the other. The two script functions are:
function createTeamSheets() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
// Get the range of cells that store the data.
var teamDataRange = ss.getRangeByName("SheetName");
var teamObjects = teamDataRange.getValues();
var template = ss.getSheetByName('TemplateTeamSheet');
for (var i=0; i < teamObjects.length; i++) {
// Put the sheet you want to create in a variable
var duplicate = ss.getSheetByName(teamObjects[i]);
// Check if the sheet you want to create already exists. If so,
// log this and loop back. If not, create the new sheet.
if (duplicate) {
Logger.log("Sheet " + teamObjects[i] + "already exists");
} else {
if (teamObjects[i] == '') {
} else {
and 2)
function duplicateProtectedSheet() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
template = ss.getSheetByName("TemplateTeamSheet");
duplicate = template.copyTo(ss).setName("My Copy");
var p = template.getProtections(SpreadsheetApp.ProtectionType.SHEET)[0];
var p2 = duplicate.protect();
if (!p.isWarningOnly()) {
p2.setDomainEdit(p.canDomainEdit()); // only if using an Apps domain
var ranges = p.getUnprotectedRanges();
var newRanges = [];
for (var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {
How do I use variables p and p2 from the second function in the first function so that each instance of template.copyTo(ss).setName(teamObjects[i]) preserves the template sheet's permissions?