In Excel, I often use CTRL + ; to enter the current date. Is there an equivalent shortcut in Google Spreadsheets that works for international keyboards like Belgium-Dutch (nl-BE)?


6 Answers 6


This must be a bug in Google. I have to use CTRL + $ for some reason (the language of my keyboard is not en-US?). Google itself doesn't mention this anywhere.

Solution was found here in the last comment.


The equivalent for German keyboards is ü. So it's

  • Ctrl + ü for current date
  • Ctrl + Shift + ü for current time
  • Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ü for current date and time

For Spanish Latin American keyboard layout:

  • Insert current time
    Ctrl + Shift + ´
  • Insert current date
    Ctrl + ´
  • Insert current date and time
    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ´



For the Italian keyboard layout:

  • Ctrl + è for current date
  • Ctrl + Shift + è for current time
  • Ctrl + Alt + Shift + è for current date and time

For Danish / Nordic keyboard layout:

  • Ctrl + ¨ for current date
  • Ctrl + Shift + ¨ for current time
  • Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ¨ for current date and time

For completes, the USA keyboard layout works with:

  • Ctrl + Shift + : time.

  • Ctrl + ; date.

  • Ctrl + Alt + Shift + : is the heroic keystroke sequence to insert a datetime (time and date).

See Keyboard accelerators, mnemonics, and shortcuts for more details.

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