Google Sheets doesn't have a similar shortcut.
You could create a macro / script, a URL query, or use an add-on that add this feature.
URL query
Maybe the easiest is to use a URL query, on the browser address bar just add &range=Z99
to the spreadsheet URL and press enter.
Macro / Script
Please read Extending Google Sheets and Google Sheets Macros
Here is a simple script. Adopters could add the validations that works best for them.
If we add it as a macro we could assign a keyboard shortcut to call it in the form Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Number (Tools > Macros > Import then Tools > Macros > Manage Macros).
function GoTo() {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var Ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
var buttons = Ui.ButtonSet.OK_CANCEL;
var response = Ui.prompt('Go to', 'Where do you want to go?', buttons);
if(response.getSelectedButton() === Ui.Button.OK){
var address = response.getResponseText();