I am playing around with AwesomeTable and like the Post-It template. My use case is to curate a nice interface to a list of frequently used files. The list won't change dramatically over time, but it will change weekly. I'd love to be able to automatically generate the list of files (via tags, names, last modified date, etc.) instead of manually adding them. Is there a way for the underlying Google Sheet to query Google Drive to get a list of Drive files into the Google Sheet that Awesome-Tables uses?
The question looks to be too broad and looks like you are looking for a web app recommendation that it's off-topic on this site. Please add more details to make it specific.– Rubén - Volunteer Moderator - ♦Commented Sep 30, 2018 at 23:43
I don't know about Awesome Tables, but it's pretty easy to create a list of Google Drive files in a spreadsheet.– TedinozCommented Oct 1, 2018 at 7:04
Two minutes on Google Files Cabinet view: List files from Drive with Awesome Table– TedinozCommented Oct 1, 2018 at 7:07
@Tedinoz. Thanks! I thought that I I was going to have to write a script that used the Drive API.– John FaigCommented Oct 2, 2018 at 13:54
@JohnFaig FWIW, it's actually quite easy (famous last words!) to write a script within Google Sheets that will list drives and files. A good self-primer on scripting.– TedinozCommented Oct 9, 2018 at 18:26
2 Answers
It sounds like Files Cabinet is what you're looking for. It's a free add-on to Awesome Table.
To quote their blurb, Files Cabinet "helps you list a Google Drive folder. It explores every child folder and lists every file that can be found. After giving you a quick count of all the folders and all the files, you get a list of the files that are ready to be displayed in a catalog created with Awesome Table."
For those, like myself, who may live down a coal mine and were previously ignorant of these things, Awesome Table is an extremely popular add-on (10+ million users) for Google spreadsheets that enables users to create visualisations of spreadsheet data with little or no coding; the visualisations can be accessed via Google spreadsheet or can be embedded in a web page. At the time of writing, it is "*free for up to 1000 pageviews / month".
It's true - "Files Cabinet", the add-on for "Awesome Tables" does help list a Google Drive folder. But it occurs to me that some people looking at this question and answer may be trying to create a list of folders and files using just the Google Sheets script. This code is written for them.
The following code accepts a Google Drive folder name as a variable ('foldername
' on line 9; just edit the folder name to suit). It will list all the files, sub-folders and their files in/under the named folder.
As you can see, the code is not strictly original, and I have given credit to those who originally developed the code that I further developed.
Note: it is possible to create a list of all the files, sub-folders and their files held on Google Drive. The difference between the code to do this, and the code shown below is very subtle. The same command getFolders
is used; the difference is whether the command is called from a named folder, as in this example, or from the DriveApp (var files=DriveApp.getFiles();
). You have been warned ;)
function ListNamedFilesandFolders() {
/* Adapted from Code written by @hubgit https://gist.github.com/hubgit/3755293
Updated since DocsList is deprecated https://ctrlq.org/code/19854-list-files-in-google-drive-folder
// List all files and sub-folders in a single folder on Google Drive
// declare the folder name
var foldername = 'myfoldername';
// declare this sheet
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
// clear any existing contents
// append a header row
sheet.appendRow(["Folder","Name", "Date Last Updated", "Size", "URL", "ID", "Description", "Type"]);
// getFoldersByName = Gets a collection of all folders in the user's Drive that have the given name.
// folders is a "Folder Iterator" but there is only one unique folder name called, so it has only one value (next)
var folders = DriveApp.getFoldersByName(foldername);
var foldersnext = folders.next();
// Logger.log("THE FOLDER IS "+foldersnext);// DEBUG
// declare an array to push data into the spreadsheet
var data = [];
// list files in this folder
// myfiles is a File Iterator
var myfiles = foldersnext.getFiles();
// Logger.log("FILES IN THIS FOLDER"); // DEBUG
// loop through files in this folder
while (myfiles.hasNext()) {
var myfile = myfiles.next();
var fname = myfile.getName();
var fdate = myfile.getLastUpdated();
var fsize = myfile.getSize();
var furl = myfile.getUrl();
var fid = myfile.getId();
var fdesc = myfile.getDescription();
var ftype = myfile.getMimeType();
//Logger.log("File Name is "+myfile.getName()); //Logger.log("Date is "+myfile.getLastUpdated()); //Logger.log("Size is "+myfile.getSize());
//Logger.log("URL is "+myfile.getUrl()); //Logger.log("ID is "+myfile.getId()); //Logger.log("Description is "+myfile.getDescription());
//Logger.log("File Type is "+myfile.getMimeType());
// Populate the array for this file
data = [
//Logger.log("data = "+data); //DEBUG
} // Completes listing of the files in the named folder
// Now get the subfolder
// subfolders is a Folder Iterator
var subfolders = foldersnext.getFolders();
// now start a loop on the SubFolder list
while (subfolders.hasNext()) {
var subfolderdata = [];
var mysubfolders = subfolders.next();
var mysubfolder = mysubfolders.getName();
//Logger.log("Subfolder name:"+mysubfolder); //DEBUG
// Get the files
// mysubfiles is a File Iterator
var mysubfiles = mysubfolders.getFiles();
// now start a loop on the files in the subfolder
while (mysubfiles.hasNext()) {
var smyfile = mysubfiles.next();
var sfname = smyfile.getName();
var sfdate = smyfile.getLastUpdated();
var sfsize = smyfile.getSize();
var sfurl = smyfile.getUrl();
var sfid = smyfile.getId();
var sfdesc = smyfile.getDescription();
var sftype = smyfile.getMimeType();
//Logger.log("Subfolder is "+foldersnext+"/"+mysubfolder);
//Logger.log("File Name is "+ smyfile.getName()); Logger.log("Date is "+ smyfile.getLastUpdated()); Logger.log("Size is "+ smyfile.getSize());
//Logger.log("URL is "+ smyfile.getUrl()); Logger.log("ID is "+ smyfile.getId()); Logger.log("Description is "+ smyfile.getDescription());Logger.log("File Type is "+ smyfile.getMimeType());
subfolderdata = [
//Logger.log("subfolderdata = "+subfolderdata);
FWIW, this is the how the spreadsheet looks (less my private information) when the code is run.
Thank you Tedinoz for this script! Works great! One question, is there a way to add something to the script so that when a new google drive file is added the list is updated right away? Commented Jun 7, 2019 at 16:02
There are two options that I have noticed. One is much better documented with examples than the other. 1) run the function as a Installable Trigger, Time-based script; choose a time period that suits you. 2) use the Google Drive API; it has an option to 'watch' a folder for changes. Good luck on finding much more than the documentation for this.– TedinozCommented Jun 8, 2019 at 9:25
HI, I am using this script to accomplish the same goal but I get the following error "Cannot retrieve the next object: iterator has reached the end. (line 22, file "Code")" Any idea why this could be the case? I'm trying to run the code online for a bunch of files I have not yet downloaded from google drive on my hard drive...– SJDSCommented Feb 17, 2020 at 7:35
Code line 9 reads
var foldername = 'myfoldername';
. This is just a placeholder; you have to replace "myfoldername" with the name of a real folder on YOUR Google Drive. Then it will work just fine.– TedinozCommented Feb 17, 2020 at 11:45 -