I created a stereoscopic 3D photo from scratch using mirrors & depth map generation on an old camera.

I've tried various ways to upload it to Facebook. However, I always get errors.

How can I upload a grayscale depth map + RGB JPG to Facebook and get it to be in 3D?

enter image description here

This pair fails inexplicably:

enter image description here

NONE of these work:

Blurred from GIMP:

enter image description here

More RAW from Stereo Photo Maker:

enter image description here

Pixelized & Posterized from GIMP:

enter image description here

GIMPEnhanceSymmetric Nearest Neighbor doesn't seem to help either, oddly:

enter image description here

And even hand sanitizing that still fails:

enter image description here

Even with a heavy median blur to join like-regions together, no luck:

enter image description here

I noticed there was a canvas size issue in GIMP, so I resized the photo but it still didn't work:

enter image description here

However, this works fine (use the grayscale as the RGB layer for testing):

enter image description here

3 Answers 3


It definitely is the aspect ratio. I made all variants with same result (error) on a vertical image and then changed the size to a "square-ish" shape (750x918px) and it worked.

  • I think it has to be 4:3. Facebook has habit or releasing undocumented features. Very poor habit for one of the tech leaders.
    – Jonathan
    Commented Apr 24, 2019 at 8:48

I had the same problem with an illustration wich I would like to share using 3D effects. So, I discovered that 3D images on Facebook must have aspect ratio 2:3 or below, or conversion will fail. I changed my images aspect ratio (no other changes) and it worked perfectly! Try to do that too!


Sadly the only way I could get it to work is via injecting metadata into the image via Omnivirt. (And despite what they claim, you CAN upload via the website using the *_depth.jpg trick, but only after injecting the metadata into the RGB image.) I have theories that there may be a 4:3 aspect ratio or pixel limitation as well, but I haven't done more extensive testing.

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