I'm trying to enter in a reminder for payday. I'm paid on the 15th of each month. However, if the 15th falls on a Saturday or Sunday, I'm paid on Friday. I have no problem entering a recurring event on the 15th. It's not having it fall on a weekend that I can't figure out.
Someone asked a similar question here but that is always setting a reminder on the 14, so that some months it would be early. It seems this person was trying to make Friday events fall on a Thursday and Sunday events fall on a Monday. I want anything on Saturday or Sunday to fall on Friday.
I'm hoping to make an .ics event that I would import into my calendar. This solution worked for me to enter the event for the last day of the month but I can't figure out how to edit it to work on the 15th. I was trying to edit BYSETPOS and it didn't work.