I am using Google Sheets to track income and expenses. I have a separate file for each month and a master file to summarize each month.

The file for monthly account contains a couple of sheets - each separate sheet including income from carrying out a service, income from selling a product, expenses and such.

Services sheet looks like this:

enter image description here

Now I want to be able to sum up the income from each such sheet by date. The easiest and the only way I know how to do so is by using =SUMIF formula to sum amounts from "C" column by inputting a whole date from column "A" as a criteria, like so:


It does the job but the thing is each month I would have to change the date (month and year specifically) in the formula manually and that's a thing I would like to avoid. I have tried going around this problem with changing the formula to:


I have though that by doing so it would only sum amount from the "C" column if date in the "A" column ended with a specific day - in this case it being "03", however the sum is always "0", therefore this solution does not work for me.

Is there a way to go around this problem by using the =SUMIF modified formula?

Another solution I was thinking of is to input all dates in separate cells and use each cell as a criteria for =SUMIF formula but for this to work I would need a formula that automatically changes month and year accordingly in these reference dates, unless such formula can be placed within =SUMIF itself.

I have a feeling it's a very roundabout way to achieve what I am trying to do, but in any case I hope an example of what I mean will help - let's say that the forth column in the picture below is called "D" and I use it as a range for a criteria to be met in the formula. In order to calculate amount earned on 2019-09-03 I would use such formula (where D192 equals 2019-09-03):


enter image description here

But again - for this to work I would need to find a way for dates in "D" column to change with each new file automatically as it is very bothersome to redo it every single month.

I hope I have explained everything comprehensibly. I do have a feeling an array formula may be a solution sought, however every time I have tried to include it while using Google Sheets it does not give me desired results and I fear I do not have a good understanding of how it works.

I have started learning formulas since a couple of months ago when it became apparent I have needed more orderly calculated account, therefore treat me as a total beginner and please do try to make your explanations as simple as possible. 😅

  • What about =SUMIF(inservice!A3:A200;$E$1;inservice!C3:C200) where E1 is the date you need ? (I.E. 2019-09-03 here). You''ll have only 1 cell to modify each month. (and btw you can us CTRL + D to expand formulas) If you can provide a sample with your problem and desired result too, it'll be a way for us to better understand your problem.
    – pjmg
    Commented Sep 7, 2019 at 18:44

1 Answer 1


This formula sums all the sums in column C by date:

=sort(transpose(QUERY(inservice!A3:C200, "select SUM(C) where A is not null pivot A", 0)), 1, FALSE) 


Result given your example

You might want to check the QUERY function, which is what solves your problem. I used TRANSPOSE and SORT in order to keep your presentation style.


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