As per Google's blog post, deleting an image/video from Drive will not delete it from Photos. But this doesn't mean deleting the Google Photos folder is safe. If we delete it, then files inside Google Photos which were un-supported media types(by Google Photos) at the time of uploading will be deleted forever!
For example, I have uploaded several files from my PC to the Google Photos folder in Google Drive before July 2019. Some of them, especially PNG files were not synced to Google Photos. Maybe they were unsupported.
What is the easiest way to identify such files? So that I can move them outside of the Google Photos folder and delete the folder?
Tried this filter, but did not work. It works on the filename, not the actual type.
-type:folder AND -".jpg" AND -".gif" AND -".mp4"
This would be nice, if Google could provide a toggle-switch to hide/unhide Google Photos from Drive. If we hide, this will not hide non-synced files(PNG,PDF etc). Then we can do whatever with those file.