How can I query all Dates from all Google Sheets in my Google Drive? As far as I know, I can do multiple query for all the sheets using importrange, however, I have over 100 Google Sheets:

={query(importrange("URL","'TX'!A:U"), "Select * where Col4 contains '"&D2&"'",
0),query(importrange("URL","'TX'!A:U"), "Select * where Col4 contains '"&D2&"'",
0),query(importrange("URL","'TX'!A:U"), "Select * where Col4 contains '"&D2&"'",
0),query(importrange("URL","'TX'!A:U"), "Select * where Col4 contains '"&D2&"'",
0),query(importrange("URL","'TX'!A:U"), "Select * where Col4 contains '"&D2&"'",

Does anyone have a better solution?

  • Welcome. Are you doing this longhand already? I am concerned about the impact on your spreadsheet of a query containing 100 importrange queries, each with 21 columns of data. Even if we assume for a moment that the formula can be easily done, what will be the effect on the recalculation rate?
    – Tedinoz
    Commented Oct 11, 2020 at 11:42
  • Does this question Google Sheets - Using IMPORTRANGE with a variable number of rows help?
    – Tedinoz
    Commented Oct 11, 2020 at 11:45


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