My Google Sheet has a text header, and then a few columns (let's say F and I) have a formula in them.
So as an example row 1 is all text, and row 2 would have =LEFT(H2,4)&" "&MID(H2,5,6)
. This was dragged down (auto filled) below so row 3 has H3
in the formula etc. all the way to say 100.
If I go insert a row at 50, is there a way for it to automatically fill in the formula H50
. (Currently when I insert row, all the cells are blank).
Two 'test case' formulas:
=LEFT(H2,4)&" "&MID(H2,5,6)&"!"
=IF (ISBLANK(H2),"", ARRAY_CONSTRAIN(ARRAYFORMULA(IF( (MOD(SUM(INT(MID(REPT("0",20-LEN(H2))&H2,ROW($1:$31),1)*(MOD(ROW($1:$31),2)+1)/10)+MOD(MID(REPT("0",20-LEN(H2))&H2,ROW($1:$31),1)*(MOD(ROW($1:$31),2)+1),10)),10)=0), "✔", "❌")), 1, 1))
(This formula is from here - to test out in your own spreadsheet, H simply needs any valid credit card number such as 343280696646912 )