I'm having links in google spreadsheet cells and it has got below 2 formats shown in fx field


just text but clicking on this in the cell opens the link

didn't understand for same kind of behaviour why there are 2 formats used ?


1 Answer 1


You have assumed that all links are created with the HYPERLINK() function. This is not so - your just text link is an example of a link created from the main menu.

There are (at least) two ways to create a hyperlink.

  • The HYPERLINK() function (doc).

    • When you select the cell, you can see the function and its parameters - you mentioned this in your question.
  • Main menu "Insert, Insert link".

    • This method also accepts a URL and text/label. However, when you select the cell, you only see the text. Hovering over the cell will produce a popup dialog showing the url (which is clickable), and options to copy, edit or remove the link.
  • Didn't understand why G has to maintain 2 options to add links ? Thanks for detailed info anyways
    – vikramvi
    Commented Dec 21, 2020 at 11:27

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