Is there a way to lookup by ItemNumber across repeating section?
This can really help the design when you have large sections that are bound by the number of items but should be logically separate in the design and work-flow. For example, sections get filled out at different times in the work-flow. Think of it as a one-to-one join.
Enter two items into the form:
The next section should show the items separate, however, it lists both items in both fields:
See: "Referencing repeating data" here:
=Form.RepeatingSection1.Where(ItemNumber = ItemNumber).Select(UserInput)
This could be a cognito limitation / bug. I can tell that the first ItemNumber in the Where function definitely references any field in RepeatingSection1 because of the drop-down autocomplete list so we would expect that the the second ItemNumber would properly reference the current section.