I made this formula: ={filter(Sheet1!B1:AA22;Sheet1!B23:AA23=SAND);filter(Sheet1!B26:AA47;Sheet1!B48:AA48=SAND)}
(The "=sand" is just "=true" in my language)
But I keep getting "An Array Literal was missing values for one or more rows"
I have no idea what is wrong. I've been trying stuff for over an hour, and each filter works as intended until I combine them in the {}.
Its in this sheet, in sheet2 cell C3: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1z1Mbqcmnm8hu0ZN5HdSw_JI3bhby0lP7Z03NIg5vmKg/edit?usp=sharing
Anyone got an idea what is wrong?
have one row. Does the filter functions that use these ranges in the question are the same that you tested?