Here is my issue :
- We work in English
- We are a French company : we want Euro as default currency...
- ... and the "French formatting" for dates (dd/mm/yyyy) and numbers (1 thousand = 1 000,00 ; not 1,000.00). .. Which is by the way, the standard in continental Europe if I am correct.
I cannot get the default language and country to work correctly :
- I set defaults that should work (language = English, country = whatever country in continental Europe) in : myaccount / language (as found on Google support page)
- ... But when I create a new Spreadsheet (from Drive > new spreadsheet) it is created as "locale = UK" (hence currency is £/GBP, I want Euro). And this is for every country in continental Europe... The only country that is not switched to UK is Ireland, but the numbers formatting is not what I want (problem with comas ",").
This matters because as comas are not used similarly, it is "a small pain every time we copy/paste figures", same with dates. Hence we change every single new document's locale. 1 min on almost every new Spreadsheet to understand why your formulas don't work and manually correct, this is irritating!
For references, I have looked at these webapps.stackexchange questions that seem close but do not address this specific problem:
- Change Google Sheets default date format with other locale
- Setting up decimal separator, thousand separator and date in Google Spreadsheets
- How does one set the default locale for each new spreedsheet in Google Sheets?
And also for the reference, a similar question on