I'm using Mail (the Mac OS X app, v4.5) to access my Google Mail account, but every mail sent to my Gmail address arrives twice in Mail.
- In the global inbox for the Gmail account
- And one in the IMAP folder for the Gmail account in the "All messages" folder
(In my German version it's the "Alle Nachrichten" folder)
I thought it was because I used filters and labels in Gmail to pre-organize my Mail, but I disabled both filters and labels and the issue still persists.
I want to avoid deleting the "All messages" folder in Mail since I'm afraid I won't be able to access all my mails in my Gmail account from Mail anymore.
Is this a known issue? I know people who use Gmail with Mail who don't have this problem, but I couldn't find out what they had set differently.
EDIT: It appears matthiasr is right. Apple Mail simply can't handle Gmail. I tried "Sparrow", another e-Mail client for Mac which can, however, handle GMail quite nicely. Works like a charm.
Unless anyone can provide a workaround of some sort for Apple Mail, I would mark matthiasr's answer as accepted.