I am trying to create a query to pull ALL reports available in the referenced table but then limit down the reports when options are selected.
The formula I have so far is:
=QUERY('Common Standard Reports & Fields Included'!A:AG, "SELECT A WHERE "&IF(COLUMN(B6)>=1,SUBSTITUTE(ADDRESS(1,match(B6,'Common Standard Reports & Fields Included'!$1:$1,0),4),"1",""),"")&" contains 'Yes' AND "&SUBSTITUTE(ADDRESS(1,match(B7,'Common Standard Reports & Fields Included'!$1:$1,0),4),"1","")&" contains 'Yes' ")
If options are selected in the referenced fields, B6 and B7 (and I plan to add several more), then the query works great. However, I don't want to require that the fields be used, and when the field is blank, then the query should skip over this and not use it as a "WHERE" condition.
This is the final step in my sheet, so I would be SOOO grateful for any help!!!