How do I transfer data and files between Basecamp and Google Docs applications?

Basecamp is a web-based project-management tool. Google Docs is a free, web-based word processor, spreadsheet, slide show, form, and data storage service offered by Google.

Is there an application I can use to transfer my documents and data between the two services?

1 Answer 1


Try to use cloudHQ service. cloudHQ service provides the following features:

  • copy and move files and folders between Google Docs, Basecamp, and SugarSync (or Dropbox) directly from Google Docs interface

  • browse and view Basecamp project attachments and SugarSync (or Dropbox) files directly from a Google Docs interface

  • automatic backup of multiple Google Docs accounts and Basecamp projects to SugarSync storage (or Dropbox storage)

  • continuous two-way synchronization of multiple Google Docs accounts, Basecamp projects, and SugarSync storage (or Dropbox storage)

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