Please see the newly added sheet ("Erik Help") which contains this formula:
=ArrayFormula({"unique_count";IF(B3:B="",,VLOOKUP(B3:B&C3:C,{UNIQUE(FILTER(B3:B&C3:C,B3:B<>"")),COUNTIFS(QUERY(UNIQUE(FILTER(B3:C,B3:B<>"")),"Select Col1"),QUERY(UNIQUE(FILTER(B3:C,B3:B<>"")),"Select Col1"),QUERY(UNIQUE(FILTER(B3:C,B3:B<>"")),"Select Col2"),"<="&QUERY(UNIQUE(FILTER(B3:C,B3:B<>"")),"Select Col2"))},2,FALSE))})
This formula will produce the header (which can be changed within the formula itself as desired) and all results.
For those who want to know how this formula works, take note of the fact that there is repeating use of the same QUERY
QUERY(UNIQUE(FILTER(B3:C,B3:B<>"")),"Select Col___")
Without the "Select" clause, this is really just a UNIQUE
listing of the values in Col B and Col C. But COUNTIFS
can use one column or the other (i.e., Col1 or Col2) of this via the QUERY
for its comparisons and counts.
Once that COUNTIFS
on the QUERY
is done virtually, VLOOKUP
can just lookup each concatenated ID&Date to find the count for that row.
Beyond this overview, of course, I encourage anyone who's interested in studying the formula further to take it apart and see what each piece does, separately and then together.