I want to create a new Discord server which I would like to advertise locally with small signs or stickers on the street.
Is there any short server ID or some customization string that I can use so that anyone can easily join this server?
Sharing an invite like is not good enough, because the random string is too long at 10 random characters: https://discord.gg/XXXXXXXXXX
Instructions that I've seen so far say you have to enable the "Community" feature: https://fixingguides.com/make-discord-server-public/
However when I do that it clearly tells me that the server has to have 1000 people for it to be discoverable:
Fewer than 1,000 users
You server must have at least 1,000 members to be eligible
so that won't work for me as this is a new server I'm trying to create.
Is there any better way than to point a URL shortened to an invite link or QR codes? I'd really like to avoid both of those, as a search by memorable name would be easier for people to find my server.