I want QUERY command to provide me with the sum of two columns, and group the result by Column A.

The following is not working (parsing error)

=query(Ledger!A2:G,"SELECT A, sum(D+E) where (B = ...) group by A order by A")

... neither is this (empty results)

=query(Ledger!A2:G,"SELECT A, sum(D)+sum(E) where (B = ...) group by A order by A ")

I can, of course, use the query below, and sum the columns using the =SUM() command, but I would rather have the query already return the sum of both columns.

=query(Ledger!A2:G,"SELECT A, sum(D), sum(E) where (B = ...) group by A order by A")

based on this, and this, my query should be working, but it is not. Why? Any workaround (that does not involve array formulas or using the =SUM() function?

1 Answer 1


The sum clause will not work the way you expect with blank values. To convert the blanks to zeros, use n(), like this:

=arrayformula( query( 
  { Ledger!A2:C, n(D2:E) }, 
  "select Col1, sum(Col4) + sum(Col5) 
   where Col2 = 42 
   group by Col1", 
) )

The group by clause sorts the primary column automatically, so an order by clause is not needed here.

Another perhaps a simpler way to do the same is to do the math in the array, like this:

=arrayformula( query( 
  { Ledger!A2:C, D2:D + E2:E }, 
  "select Col1, sum(Col4) 
   where Col2 = 42 
   group by Col1", 
) )
  • Thanks - given the size of my spreadsheet, I am really avoiding arrayformulas as they make calculations really slow
    – Oren
    Commented Oct 7, 2022 at 16:23
  • I do not think there will be any measurable performance difference here. To improve spreadsheet performance, see these optimization tips. Commented Oct 7, 2022 at 16:26

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