I noticed I have a file (propably more) that I can find it by searching, and it tells me its in the Shared with me location, but when I go to the Shared with me the file is not there.
I tried using a Apps Script and the file is found when searching by its name
var files = DriveApp.searchFiles('title contains "NameOfTheFile"');
But is not found when searching like this
var files = DriveApp.searchFiles('title contains "NameOfTheFile" and SharedWithMe = true');
I'm the owner of the file, so i'm not sure why the file is listed in the Shared with me location, and I think that is the main problem, because the file probably isn't really shared with me.
But if that's the case how can I get the list of all files that are on the Shared with me location but are not really shared with me?