I have a table in a Google sheet that looks like this:

The data updates daily with a new column added after Column "Date" and is intended to track how quickly my team moves through projects. I am wanting to chart the data as a scatterplot so that I can add Linear Trendlines for each series. However, these lines are affected by all of the 0 values. I would like them to start with the last 0 value that precedes the first non-zero data point. The easiest solution I can see would be to use a macro to clear 0 values from the table. I am struggling with how to

  • A) run the trendline through 0 in google sheets as there isn't really an option I can see; or
  • B) delete all 0 values except for where the cell to the left is greater than 0.

This is currently where I am at with Row C.

But would like it to look like the following:

With the table potentially looking like this (Note highlighted the row with a zero preceding a value >0):

  • You can use slicers, but that will work like a filter that will remove these values from the spreadsheet too when you have it enabled. Another solution is to have a separate column with a formula such as =IF(A1=0%,"",A1), so the 0.00% values will be excluded when building the chart. You can also just remove these values from the spreadsheet (or have a text that says something like "No Data"), assuming this won't affect your use case!
    – Zo-Bro-23
    Commented Feb 1, 2023 at 4:12
  • Use a sepperate table for your chart that uses the original table as it's source but transforms it as you want. Please consider putting some data in a markdown table or sharing a link to some sample data in case you want anyone to actually manipulate anything and not have to generate the source datas first.
    – Blindspots
    Commented Feb 1, 2023 at 6:41

1 Answer 1


As Blind Spots suggests in their comment, you can Insert > Sheet and use a formula in cell A1 of the new sheet to copy the data from the current sheet, omitting trailing zeros, like this:

      (cell = 0) * iferror(offset(cell, 0, -1) = 0), 

The iferror(1/0) pattern will produce a truly blank value, which is different from a zero-length text string "".

Then set the data range of your chart so that it points to the new sheet.

  • Nice doubleunary. +10
    – Blindspots
    Commented Feb 1, 2023 at 8:00
  • Edited the answer to use correct offset and map() instead of arrayformula(). Commented Feb 1, 2023 at 10:29

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