I have a dataset on Google Sheets similar to below.

Name Team Account Date
Jennifer East Meta 5/1/2023
Steve East Alphabet 4/1/2023
Claire West Google 4/23/2023
Roger West Apple 6/23/2023
Bob West Walmart 5/12/2023

I am trying to use the QUERY function to return columns Name, Account and Date sorted Ascending by date. On another sheet with filter criteria, I want to reference cell A1 where Team = "West" and date range is referenced to cell A2 and A3 with a beginning (A2) and ending (A3) date range.

Any help would be appreciated!

1 Answer 1


Build the query statement using text string concatenation, like this:

  "select A, C, D 
   where B = '" & A1 & "' 
   and date " & text(A2, "'yyyy-MM-dd'") & " <= toDate(D) 
   and toDate(D) <= date " & text(A2, "'yyyy-MM-dd'") & " 
   order by D asc", 

For easier debugging, you can put this in another cell, say A4, to see what the query statement looks like:

= "select A, C, D 
   where B = '" & A1 & "' 
   and date " & text(A2, "'yyyy-MM-dd'") & " <= toDate(D) 
   and toDate(D) <= date " & text(A2, "'yyyy-MM-dd'") & " 
   order by D asc"

You can also use that query statement directly in the query() formula, like this:

=query(Sheet1!A1:D, A4, 1)
  • Thanks doubleunary! Is there a way to return records if Team = East OR West? For example if cell A1 is East, West.
    – Elaine
    Commented Jul 13, 2023 at 20:50
  • Please do not present new requirements after you have received an answer. Ask only one question per post. Post a new question instead. Commented Jul 13, 2023 at 22:09

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