
My query is not working but I can’t find the problem.

=query(Sheet1!A1:AC; "select * WHERE
   H>="&E11&" And I>="&A14&" And J>="&B14&)

It always says that there is a parsing problem, but I can’t find it. I‘d really appreciate any help with finding the mistake.

  • The problem is the last &. Commented May 2 at 13:13
  • Just tried yours, but it does not work either
    – Blacky
    Commented May 2 at 14:51
  • In such case, you should provide more details, like the spreadsheet locale / country, add sample values for the referred ranges and the expected result. Commented May 2 at 15:38

1 Answer 1


Per @Rubén you have a trailing ampersand operator &

Your formula should be

=QUERY(Sheet1!A1:AC; "WHERE H>="& E11 
   &" AND I>="& A14 &" AND J>="& B14)

If you are in North America, the semi-colon ; should also be changed to a comma ,:

=QUERY(Sheet1!A1:AC, "WHERE H>="& E11 
   &" AND I>="& A14 &" AND J>="& B14)

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