I am trying to use Google Street View in Google Maps and Google Earth to explore an unfamiliar area to avoid getting lost a second time but I'm having trouble negotiating an overpass.

As I progress along Lawn Avenue I reach a point where it passes over Route 309. Every time I try cross the overpass I'm dropped down onto the underpass below (RTE 309).

How can I successfully cross an overpass in "Street View"?

Google Maps Street View

  1. Overpass Street View ( link )
    Lawn Ave NW approaching Route 309 overpass
    NW Street view approaching 309 overpass

  2. Underpass/RTE 309 Street View ( link )
    Still facing NW but now on Route 309 directly below overpass view of underpass below

2 Answers 2


While, this behavior may appear counterintuitive at first, upon reflection it provides a mechanism to move between road levels within Street View.

  1. Don't advance by clicking on the lower portion of the image (road).
    Don't click lower portion of image (road)
  2. Click on the upper portion of the map (sky) to advance.
    Click on the upper portion of the map to advance
  3. Should you wish/need to move from the underpass back to the overpass, use a similar technique raising the mouse pointer until the direction of advance changes and matches the overpass.
    move from the underpass back to the overpass by raising the mouse pointer until the direction of advance changes

Warning  Warning

All stunts were performed by professionals on a closed virtual course. Dropping unexpectedly onto roadways carries significant risk of property damage, serious injury, and even death. Always exit overpasses using the ramps provided and keep your vehicle well-maintained and your mouse lint-free.

  • 4
    Normally when you move between road levels an ambulance shows up..
    – Tim
    Commented Aug 14 at 8:53
  • 4
    Given the inherent risks, I added a warning to the answer.
    – Blindspots
    Commented Aug 14 at 16:16
  • I suppose there are some very literal-minded folks out there :-)
    – Tim
    Commented Aug 14 at 17:05

Alternative answer: use up/down arrow keys on the keyboard to step forward/back.

  • 4
    Thanks. I've been falling through overpasses for so long :-) I avoid the keyboard. For me it's a mine-field of accidental keystroke shortcuts to hell.
    – Tim
    Commented Aug 13 at 23:29

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