I have this data:
A | B | |
1 | X | BIRD |
2 | X | LION |
3 | Y | FISH |
4 | Z | CHICKEN |
5 | X | DUCK |
6 | Y | SNAKE |
7 | X | TIGER |
9 | Z | ELEPHANT |
10 | Z | DRAGON |
11 | Z | WORM |
I use this formula:
trim( split( transpose(query ( QUERY ( FILTER ( {A1:A&"@@" , B1:B&"," } , A1:A<>"") ,"select max(Col2) group by Col2 pivot Col1" ), , 100)), "@@"))
and this is what I got as expected :
but I want to do some modification : I want to insert sequence numbers in front of every animal items (replacing the comma) like this :
How to modify my formula to get this result ?