
I've setting a shared bookings page to allow people to book meetings using MS bookings. However I want to customize the emails that go out.

Is there a way to customize those emails, possibly using power automate or another mechanism?

I've read this on how to automate with power automate but its only a general description and does not give any specific guidance about what can be achieved.

  • Please edit your question. It currently includes multiple questions but should focus on one problem only. It should also include enough detail to make it practical for users to answer.
    – Blindspots
    Commented Sep 3 at 21:42
  • 1. Are you setting up a Personal MS Bookings page or a Shared MS Bookings page? 2. "Is there a way to customize those emails" Yes. Both Personal & Shared pages support email customizations. 3. "possibly using power automate or another mechanism?" This question is too broad unless "yes" is the answer you are looking for see Power Automate connectors to build Bookings workflows
    – Blindspots
    Commented Sep 3 at 23:50
  • 4. "I don't want customers receiving an email that says it's from Microsoft Bookings" You set the "from" display name and email address. It likely isn't reasonable to have the expectation of using the MS Bookings platform but completely hide that fact from customers using the platform.
    – Blindspots
    Commented Sep 3 at 23:53
  • 1
    @Blindspots I want to completely hide the fact we are using the platform. Commented Sep 4 at 4:53
  • That's a pretty big ask. Hooking into a step of the process is one thing, but white-labeling it is not trivial and may not be a reasonable expectation depending on your expertize and budget. The scope of this is impractical as a web apps question in its current form. If you do start working through specific problems with elements of a solution, web apps and probably to a greater degree Stack Overflow may be helpful. Your reasons for wanting to hide that your solution is built on Bookings may be able to inform a different approach.
    – Blindspots
    Commented Sep 4 at 14:28


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