Currently I have some problems with Facebook as all photos of my friends are not loaded!


enter image description here

The same error occurs on my Mac with Safari, on Windows with Firefox and on Ubuntu with Chromium! Has anyone run ever into this problem? Any idea what I can do to solve this problem?

2 Answers 2


The most obvious things to look for are something blocking the URL of the photos.

I've done a quick check on my profile and they are of the form:


So do you have a proxy or adblocker that's got "akamai" or another part of that URL in it's block list?


I found a solution, however i don't know why this happened to me! (Furthermore it could be coincidence if the Facebook servers start working properly!) Deactivating Ad-Block, restarting Firefox and again activating Ad-Block and it is working now... yet i am confused why.

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