In Firefox I have on the order of 10^3 bookmarks. I need a tool which provides the following features:
- Grouping (tagging / categorization - either is acceptable)
- Browser (prefer Firefox) integration (can use standard tools to cross browsers/systems)
- No vendor lock-in (can export my data in standard formats)
These all come standard, though grouping is buggy, in Firefox. I would like:
- Automatic offline archival of website content (ie, text of blog post)
- Social shareability is a plus
- FOSS is a plus, as is free-as-in-beer
- personal knowledge base integration is nice
Have considered:
- Fx bookmarks (buggy, most likes short)
- Write myself (effort duplication?, buggy, incomplete, more interesting problems)
- social bookmarks backend (ie, digg, delicious, etc)
- Tiddywiki (+is current knowledge base, -not integrate with web browser)
Of those three, the second is the only one that effectively meets my core requirements, while still possibly meeting some of the wants. However, a theoretical panacea is valued far below a practical cure.
What applications/tools have I overlooked that best meet these challenges? I am not adverse to a little cash, or a little scripting, to make it work.
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