Is there a way to export my data from Trello to my own computer?

I'm happy to accept any file format, so long as the data is in a file-format that can be parsed, e.g. I'm comfortable with writing a script to extract the data.

(I always try, with any online data I create, to find a way to export a copy of the data, and I have a Sunday evening routine of doing data dumps, then local backups.)

  • It would be great if we can export data not only as back-up but for stats monitoring purposes. ^^
    – user13640
    Commented Sep 26, 2011 at 6:32
  • Note: the Trello Dump works pretty well but broke https, suggest you logout and log back in once you use it.
    – bsnodgrass
    Commented Nov 23, 2011 at 21:09
  • For those who want a formatted version instead of raw JSON, here is a web app we made for ourselves: tianshuo.github.com/trello Feature requests and Bug reports go here: trello.com/board/trello2html/4fb10d0e312c2b226f1eb4a0
    – TiansHUo
    Commented Jun 8, 2012 at 6:56

9 Answers 9


With the release of the Data Export feature, you can now

  1. Go to your board
  2. Click the "Board Menu" button (on the right-hand-side of the screen)
  3. Select "Share, Print, and Export"
  4. Click "JSON"

This will download a copy of your board data.

Pro tips:

  • You can also just add .json (or /somename.json) to the end of a board or card URL, to get the prompt to save the downloaded file (e.g. https://trello.com/board/welcome-board/4e6a8095efa69909ba007382/somename.json)
  • Alternatively, instead of clicking on the "JSON" button, you can right-click on it, and copy the URL
  • If you have lots of boards that you want to download regularly, you'll have to save all the JSON links somewhere for all your boards, and download each one individually.
  • Changing the names of all these individual files for each set of backups could get a little tedious, so one idea would be to create a new folder each time you backup your boards, and then save a set of exported files into that folder.

Update: This is now available from a print/share/export menu on board and card detail.

Not currently. But it has been requested often and should be coming soon.

There is currently a card for this: https://trello.com/card/board/data-export/4d5ea62fd76aa1136000000c/4e9d8a91f482dd34ea18335a

  • 2
    Thanks. I looked for it on the Trello Development Board, to vote for it, but couldn't find it. Commented Sep 15, 2011 at 22:54
  • @Clare I might try to whip up a javascript bookmarklet that does it. $(".list-card-title").text() gets you all the text from the card titles. Commented Sep 16, 2011 at 15:20
  • That would be fantastic. Yes please, and thank you. I've been looking for a reason to start learning JavaScript. This will be it. Commented Sep 16, 2011 at 19:56
  • Just wanted to add my support for creating some kind of backup option if it is being considered.
    – user13430
    Commented Sep 19, 2011 at 13:31
  • 2
    There is currently a card for this: trello.com/card/board/data-export/4d5ea62fd76aa1136000000c/… Commented Oct 27, 2011 at 21:08

As a stopgap, there's a (third party) XML export bookmarklet here:


Note: Using this bookmarklet can break HTTPS. You might want to logout and login again after using this tool.


The following bookmarklet will only export an outline of your board; not nearly enough detail for a true export or backup, but it's a start. The script could be much more refined, but worked in IE9, FF 7, and Chrome against my own board and 3 others I tried.

var l=document.getElementsByClassName('list');
var lp='';
    var ltc=l[x].getElementsByClassName('list-title');
    var lt=ltc[0].getElementsByTagName('h2');
    var cards=l[x].getElementsByClassName('list-card-title');
        var cardTitle=cards[y].getElementsByTagName('a');
        lp=lp+'\t- '+cardTitle[0].innerHTML+'\n';
var tad=document.createElement('div');
tad.innerHTML="<div align=\"right\">[<a href=\"#\"onClick=\"tad.style.visibility=\'hidden\'\;\">Close</a>]&nbsp<p/></div>&nbsp;Copy the text below into another editor for an outline of your board<p/>";
var ta=document.createElement('textarea');
tad.style.border='solid 2px black';
  • Wow - this is great. I was able to save the outline of 9 boards in a couple of minutes. Thanks very much indeed! Commented Nov 13, 2011 at 20:41

Please see http://trello.com/privacy for the prospects for data migration and APIs.

  • 3
    Hi @Rich, You don't need to add that you are a member of the Trello team in every post. You should just add it to your User profile as per the FAQ on signatures Cheers Commented Nov 15, 2011 at 17:49
  • Thanks a lot for your answer, I've seen the Privacy/Portability statements before posting and there were just "prospects". That's why I was wondering if someone has found any go-around. Without any possibility to export data to Excel I cannot have any vantages using this great tool for my purposes... makes me frustrated.
    – M4mu5
    Commented Nov 16, 2011 at 9:22
  • Sorry for your frustration. Trello has been out for less than two months, so will be adding features fast. Commented Nov 16, 2011 at 15:07

A card for data export has been added to the Trello Development board. It will likely be developed after the public API though.



If you want an automated solution, I've created a Google Spreadsheet that auto imports your open Trello boards every 4 hours. It's not as complete as the Trello export function, but it gives you most things you'd want. Details here: http://www.littlebluemonkey.com/blog/online-scrum-tools-part-4-trello-backup/


Joel has just tweeted that there's now a similar bookmarklet to dump Trello data to XML: Trello Dump

Particular differences from @BrettB's script here:

  1. It's presented as a button on a web page, that can be dragged to a browser toolbar, so it's a bit easier to set up
  2. It downloads the colour tag of each item (but not the name of the tag)

as recommended by Trello

  1. Go to Board Menu > Share, Print, & Export (this will export the data to a JSON file)

  2. Use this JSON to CSV converter to convert the JSON file to CSV format.

  3. You will then have the data stored inside a readable file (CSV). This can then be opened up in Excel or Open Office.

Also see here

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