Every once in a while, a friend mistakenly tags a photo thinking it is me, whereas it is not (frequent during Halloween). Other times it seems due to a Facebook bug, I was wrongly tagged whereas I appear in the next picture.

In those cases, how to remove the tag now that the "remove tag" link is gone?
We are left with those options:

enter image description here

I usually use "I want to remove this tag", but it is silly that the section is called "Yes, this photo is about me" whereas the photo is actually unrelated.

QUESTION: Is there anything more appropriate (less contradicting) to do?

  • I think that's the best option Nicolas to be honest. You could always make a suggestion to Facebook to improve wording etc.
    – Matt
    Commented Nov 10, 2011 at 16:09
  • OK I was thinking so but wanted to be sure I was not misunderstanding something... could you create an answer so that I can accept it?
    – nic
    Commented Nov 11, 2011 at 1:21
  • A mod (not me) converted his answer to a comment, it isn't really an answer, it is more of an agreement.
    – phwd
    Commented Nov 14, 2011 at 3:33

1 Answer 1


The "remove tag" link is not gone. The position has just changed.

If you follow through with the option you will get

List of tag removal options

Of which, you choose

  • the first option, if it was one of the those apps that creates mosaics.
  • the second option, if your friend keeps mixing you up with someone else
  • your friend is getting beyond annoying and numerous messages have no effect

The first option is by far the quickest though.

Get that photo down

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