When I click an entry in the Google search results, it first queries Google server and then redirect to the page. For example, search foobar
<a href="/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=foobar&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CC4QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.foobar2000.org%2F&ei=d9jBTsX8DqGyiQfhrJWhBQ&usg=AFQjCNGQknEqVa-v5EXzIMs9jCwNJ8VU2w" target="_blank" class="l" onmousedown="return rwt(this,'','','','1','AFQjCNGQknEqVa-v5EXzIMs9jCwNJ8VU2w','','0CC4QFjAA')"><em>foobar2000</em></a>
The long href redirects to Google first, and then redirects to www.foobar2000.com.
Well, I don't mind Google use my click stats to modify its page ranks. I do also not care about privacy, but as you know with Internet censorship in China, the links redirected by Google are often broken.
In real life, I usually copy&paste the web addresses, rather then click on them directly.
Is there any way (Firefox/Chrome plugin maybe?) to disable the redirection in the Google search results?
I'm also thinking that Google should make the sending back in another Ajax request, so even users out of China don't have to wait for the respond of the redirection.